The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) must set up a project group to implement the LGBTI inclusion plan!
Berlin, 19 November 2021
Press release
The Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation, Dreilinden organization and filia women’s foundation call on the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to set up a project group to implement the LGBTI inclusion plan.
The three political parties in Germany’s coalition government – the SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP – have repeatedly and clearly affirmed the validity of the Yogyakarta Principles and the associated importance of promoting human rights in international cooperation and development. They now have the opportunity to put these words into action.
The BMZ needs to take the requisite steps to put the federal government’s “LGBTI Inclusion Strategy for Foreign Policy and Development Cooperation” into practice. For that to happen, the new directorship of the BMZ ministry must set up a project group for “LGBTI inclusion plan implementation”.
This project group needs to place a special emphasis on “coordinating with civil society and in particular with LGBTI organisations” (3.2), and on “considering aspects of missionary and colonial history” (1.5) as well as “specific vulnerabilities and multiple discrimination” (2.2).
We call on the new minister for development cooperation to take the following concrete steps:
- The project group produces a matrix for concrete implementation of the LGBTI inclusion plan’s principles, measures and goals for development cooperation, and updates it on a continuous basis.
- This operational plan must cover the BMZ’s entire range of responsibilities and all organizations that carry out its work. This includes state reports and the principles underlying the work of political foundations.
- The project group also focuses on adapting the allocation rules and support guidelines for NGOs in the global South and on proposing additional support instruments (e.g. funds for human rights defenders).
- It creates a road map for contacting civil society in partner countries.
- It raises awareness within the ministry’s departments for the inclusion plan’s topics and goals.
- It produces annual reports on how implementation is progressing, as well as on problems. Before the next federal election, or by August 2025 at the latest, it presents a final public report on implementation of the LGBTI inclusion plan with a vote on future action.
- The project group head(s) have the right to communicate comments and questions directly to the minister.
The chance for real progress is here! The new leaders of the BMZ must take concrete action!
On 3 March 2021 the cabinet passed the “Federal Government LGBTI Inclusion Strategy for Foreign Policy and Development Cooperation”.
The German federal government thereby commits to making the protection of LGBTI human rights an integral part of its foreign policy and development cooperation.
The inclusion plan, which was produced jointly by the Foreign Office (AA) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is a response to long-standing calls by civil society.
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