Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Dialogue with church leaders in Rwanda – the Inclusive Mission for Health and Hope (IMHH) presents their work


Webtalk 1 June at 5:30 PM

Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation cordially invites you to an online discussion with a Reverend from the Inclusive Mission for Health and Hope (IMHH) in Rwanda.

Please join the online discussion on religion and inclusion from a Rwandan perspective.

When? Thursday, 1 June, 5:30–6:30 PM (Kigali/Berlin)

Who? Reverend, Inclusive Mission for Health and Hope (IMHH) in Rwanda speaking with Klaus Jetz, Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation, Germany

Where? online via Zoom

Please register here:

The webtalk will be held in English. It is aimed at activists, NGOs, development practitioners, church representatives, researchers and parliamentarians, people of faith and everybody with an interest in religion and the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people.

LGBTIQ+ individuals in Rwanda have certain legal protections, as the law prohibits any form of discrimination and does not criminalize consensual same-sex relationships. However, the community still faces multiple forms of social and legal discrimination, particularly pushed by Christian Churches. The growing impact of rigid Bible interpretations on Rwandan public opinion contributes to the perpetuation of human rights abuses against the LGBTIQ+ community.

Founded in 2018, IMHH is working on the protection and empowerment of LGBTIQ+ communities in Rwanda, DRC, Kenya, Burundi and Uganda. Their work includes support for persons living with HIV and AIDS, as well as advocacy for human rights for everybody among the clergies and in society.

What are the challenges that IMHH encounters? What role do foreign churches play in the discrimination against LGBTIQ+ communities in Rwanda (e.g. from the United States or Western Europe)? What measures can be taken to foster social acceptance of LGBTIQ+ groups among Rwandan churches?

Background Information:



This is a Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation event as part of the project “We believe in change”: Human rights, freedom of religion or belief, and preventing anti-LGBTI+ violence and discrimination.
Find all articles relating to this project in our blog under Tag WBIC-2023


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