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Conference report (deutsch)
Invitation and Program
Intervention by X., activist from Uganda at the Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung conference “We believe in change” at Kunsthalle Osnabrück on 7 Sep 2023
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Conference report (deutsch)
Invitation and Program
Intervention by X., activist from Uganda at the Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung conference “We believe in change” at Kunsthalle Osnabrück on 7 Sep 2023
on 7 Sep 2023 at Kunsthalle Osnabrueck
Conference report (deutsch)
Photo Gallery
Invitation and program
Conference report (Deutsch)
Conference photos
Invitation and program
Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Regina Elsner, University of Münster
Conference: “We believe in change: What can religious peace look like for queer people worldwide?”
7 September 2023 at the Kunsthalle Osnabrück
Over the past few months, across East Africa, there has been an increased crackdown on the rights and freedoms of LGBTIQ+ communities. Countries such as Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, and Ethiopia have successfully passed repressive legislation and/or witnessed an increased number of arrests of LGBTIQ+ persons.
A talk with Ugandan LBQ+ activists
The relationship between religion and sexuality has been complicated throughout history. To date, religion is the basis on which many African countries and those within their borders have an anti-sexuality stance. Sexuality, more so sex, is taboo, one that shouldn’t be discussed. This lack of information for individuals and communally as a society means there are many misconceptions fuelled by religious morality.
Conference report (deutsch)
Date: 7 September 2023
Duration: 1 – 6 pm, followed by a “queer walk”
Location: Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Hasemauer 1, 49074 Osnabrück
Conference languages: English and German with translations
“I have no doubt that in the future, the laws that criminalize human love and commitment will look the way the apartheid laws do to us now, so obviously wrong!” Desmond Tutu
Opening statement by Sarah Kohrt from the Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation at the German Protestant Kirchentag in Nuremberg on 8 June 2023 for the podium discussion “Church as a safe® space for queerness”: A discussion between religious people of colour and queer people held by the Gender Worlds and Rainbow Center at the Langwasser community building, Glogauer Str. 50, 90473 Nuremberg.
Webtalk 1 June at 5:30 PM
Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation cordially invites you to an online discussion with a Reverend from the Inclusive Mission for Health and Hope (IMHH) in Rwanda.
Please join the online discussion on religion and inclusion from a Rwandan perspective.
We believe in change — Experiences with faith based actors in international human rights work for LGBTQI+” unter diesem Titel haben sich am 27. April 2023 im Berliner Kulturzentrum Oyoun rund 30 internationale Aktivist*innen aus dem globalen Norden mit Vertreter*innen von Kirchen, INGOs und der Bundesregierung zu einem halbtägigen Workshop getroffen. Thema war die internationale Menschenrechtsarbeit mit und für LSBTIQ*Personen und die Kooperation mit kirchlichen und religiös orientierten Gruppen.
Wir veröffentlichen den Beitrag von Pastorin Martina Basso, Vereinigung der Deutschen Mennonitengemeinden (VDM) in englischer Sprache mit freundlicher Genehmigung.