Die „Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law“, eine breite Koalition ugandischer Menschenrechts-NGOs hat einen dringenden Aufruf (Action Alert: Guidelines) mit Hinweisen veröffentlicht, welche Maßnahmen internationaler Verbündeter zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt hilfreich und welche kontraproduktiv sind.
Das Bündnis bittet die internationalen Partner insbesondere darum, keinen öffentlichen Druck zu machen, keine Pressemeldungen zu dem Thema zu produzieren und/oder mit dem Entzug der Entwicklungshilfe zu drohen. Sie bitten stattdessen um die Verstärkung der diplomatischen Arbeit sowie aktive Gespräche von und mit Partnerorganisationen, die keine LGBTI-Arbeit machen.
Hier der Aufruf im Wortlaut:
Dear Partners,
We thank you for all the support you have a accorded the Coalition since the tabling of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in 2009, and we look forward to your continued collaboration in the struggle to see this bill dismissed once and for all.
In response to the recent claims made by the Hon Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament that she would see the Anti-Homosexuality Bill passed before this year comes to a close, we urge you to adhere to the following Action Alert Guidelines and to always seek clarification where there is a difference of opinion on tactics or where there is confusion or need for further information.
We encourage you to:
1. Urgently engage with the leadership of the nation (the President, the Prime Minister, the Leader of Opposition, The Speaker, the Minister for Gender Labor and Social Development, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Ethics and Integrity, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Justice and any other Cabinet Ministers that you can engage with, the Inspector General of Police and the Principal Judge) to impress upon them the needlessness and imminent harm of this bill. This must however been done diplomatically and off the media. There should not be any media/public admonitions PLEASE!
2. Engage with any non-LGBTI partner organizations in Uganda that you may collaborate with or whom you fund to establish what their thinking is on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, as well as their thinking on other related legislative moves such as the proposal to amend the Penal Code in line with the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill. We would strongly encourage other mainstream Ugandan organizations such as human rights NGOs and entities like the Uganda Law Society to speak out strongly against the impartiality of the speaker as well as this draconian bill.
3. Draw international public attention to issues such as corruption (tagging it to the recent corruption cases in the Ministry of Public Service and the Office of the Prime Minister), human trafficking, nodding disease in northern, land-grabbing, as well as the suppression of media freedom and civil society space, so that attention shifts to where it properly belongs; in the best interests of the country’s population as a whole.
4. Go ahead with any preparations of statements, campaigns, and other public documents for when the bill appears on the Order Paper of Parliament (you will be alerted when this happens) as well as for a worst-case scenario in which the Bill is passed into law.
5. Contribute physical, financial, or technical support to the LGBTI community as well as the exposed Human Rights Defenders working with LGBTI rights who are likely to begin to be arrested and charged almost as soon as the Bill is passed. The entire leadership of the Uganda Coalition has decided that any such assistance shall be channeled through a central point at the CSCHRCL secretariat from where it shall be communally managed.
6. Engage with your policy makers to take stronger measures to ensure that LGBTI issues are mainstreamed into calls for proposals, grant agreements, project design, implementation and evaluation as part of a long term strategy to establish LGBTI friendly services and programmes for all Ugandans as an inclusive practice.
We urge that you do NOT:
1. Put out any public press statements on the Bill for now. But you can express your opinion if asked about the Bill. However this opinion must be candid and practical without being ‘insulting’.
2. Make strong public statements threatening to cut aid or in support of such threats in response to the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, as this can lead to scape-goating of the LGBTI community as well as Human Rights Defenders working with LGBTI rights and whip up sentiments for the Bill.
Please note; We would like Ugandans to take charge of this campaign for now. Only if the Bill is mentioned/programmed in the Business of Parliament or passed into law shall we encourage a fullyfledged international outcry which can come in all forms such as; Public statements (written or spoken), public letters, solidarity campaigns, peaceful protests, interviews, opinion pieces et cetera.
Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law
Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMWA)
Advocates for Public International Law in Uganda (APILU)
Avocats Sans Frontiers (ASF)
Centre for Domestic Violence Prevention (CEDOVIP)
Centre for Women in Governance (CEWIGO)
Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA)
East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP)
Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE)
Global Rights Alert (GLA)
Human Rights Awareness & Promotion Forum (HRAPF)
Human Rights and Peace Centre, School of Law, Makerere University Mentoring and Empowerment Young Women (MEMPROW)
Platform for Labour Action (PLA)
Programme for National Association of Women Organisations in Uganda (NAWOU)
National Coalition of women Living with HIV/AIDS (NACWOLA)
Raising Voices, Rainbow Health Foundation (RHF)
Refugee Law Project, School of Law, Makerere University
National Guidance and Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (NGEN+)
Spectrum Uganda Support Initiatives for People with Atypical sexual Development (SIPD)
Uganda Uganda Federation of Women lawyers (FIDA‑U)
Uganda Feminist Forum Uganda Health Science and Press Association (UHSPA)
Women’s Organisation & Network for Human Rights Advocacy (WONETHA)
Renate Rampf
Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung, Plattform LGBT-Menschenrechte