Secretary Pompeo´s “Commission on Unalienable Rights”.Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation cordially invites you to a Web-talk with Mark Bromley, Chair of the Council for Global Equality (CGE) about the Trump adminstration´s attempt to redefine Human Rights.
When: Tuesday, 15 September, 17–18 CEST
Who: Mark Bromley, JD, Chair of the Council for Global Equality
Moderator: Sarah Kohrt, Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation
“Pompeo’s clear interest is to undermine the growing consensus that universally accepted human rights can be claimed by all vulnerable minorities, including LGBTI people and women who wish to control their own bodies.” Julie Dorf, Council for Global Equality
Until recently, clear progress had been made in the movement towards women´s rights and the human rights of LGBTI people. In the UN and other multilateral institutions the United States had a global leadership role regarding the rights of LGBTI people. Along with other states, the US always voted in favor of these rights. But now the U.S. appears to have changed sides.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has installed a Commission whose aim is to reconsider human rights. This “Commission on Unalienable Rights” has now published its report. And this report will have considerable effects on American foreign policy. The commission is just one example for a global backlash against women´s rights and the rights of LGBTI people and has not yet gained much attention.
Why is this dangerous for women´s rights and the rights of LGBTI people? We will discuss with Mark Bromley, chair of the Council for Global Equality the contents and the international consequences of the report and will ask how to counter the backlash. The Council for Global Equality (CGE), a coalition of 30 US NGOs, has filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration.
Please register here before Sep 15
All registered participants will receive the Zoom-Link a few hours before the event on the same day. This Web-event will take place in English and is aimed at activists, students, scholars, everyone with an interest in international relations and human rights for LGBTI people.
Background article: Religion first? Trump seeks to redefine human rights

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