Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Dekolonisierung – aber wie? Menschenrechte für LGBTIQ+ im südlichen Afrika — Botswana

Florence F/Khaxas, Y‑FEM Namibia

Matlhogonolo Samsam, Black Queer DocX Botswana

Der Webtalk zu “Decolonize but how? Commitment for the Human Rights of LGBTIQ+ in Southern Africa“ fand am 26.11.2024 auf Englisch statt.

Matlhogonolo Samsam von Black Queer DocX aus Botswana erläuterte während dieses Gesprächs ihre Erfahrungen, Konzepte und Forderungen zu den weitreichenden Folgen des Kolonialismus und dessen Überwindung. Dieser Blog-Beitrag fasst wesentliche Aussagen zusammen.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Decolonize! But how? — Commitment for the Human Rights of LGBTIQ+ in Southern Africa — Invitation

Einladung zum Webtalk am 26. Nov 2024 von 17:30–19:00
English below

Florence F/Khaxas, Y‑FEM Namibia
Matlhogonolo Samsam, Black Queer DocX Botswana

Beim Einsatz für die Menschenrechte von LSBTIQ* wird oft der Vorwurf des Neokolonialismus erhoben, obwohl gerade die homophoben Gesetze eine Auswirkung der Kolonialzeit sind. In Namibia kippte der High Court erst im Juni 2024 das Verbot von gleichgeschlechtlichen Handlungen, das seit der Kolonialzeit bestand. Welche Chancen gibt es vor diesem Hintergrund für transkontinentale solidarische Allianzen?

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Verband

Monica Tabengwa — Opposition to the traditional role of women made me an activist

Monica Tabengwa Portrait

Monica Tabengwa (51) is a human-rights activist from Botswana. She grew up with seven siblings and a single mother, became a lawyer and has spent decades working for LGBTIQ+ rights, including with Pan Africa ILGA and Human Rights Watch.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Women Human Rights Defenders: How Intersectionality is put into Practice in Southern Africa

On 23rd September 2021 Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation held a webtalk entitled “Women Huma Rights Defenders: How Intersectionality is put into Practice in Southern Africa.”  Three Human Rights Defenders were invited to the online discussion, all of them actively engaged with the Masakhane* Project.


Three activists from lesbian, bi- and queer women’s collectives in Mozambique and Eswatini discuss the current developments which have impacts on their work in their respective countries. They explain how the concept of intersectionality is being put into practice amidst often violent challenges. We will also hear about the feminist strategy of the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) and their experiences.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Women Human Rights Defenders: How Intersectionality is put into Practice in Southern Africa


Online-Talk: Thursday, 23 September 2021, 5 – 6 pm

Activists from lesbian, bi- and queer women’s collectives in Mozambique and Eswatini will inform us of the current developments that are impacting their work in their respective countries. They will explain how the concept of intersectionality is being put into practice amidst often violent challenges. We will also hear about the feminist strategy of the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) and their experiences.

We will also discuss  what the growing threat to LGBTI people in various countries means for us in Germany, particularly in view of the German government’s new LGBTI Inclusion Strategy for Foreign Policy and Development Cooperation.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Die pinke Linie

Bericht (deutsch)
Einladung (deutsch)

Im April 2021 erscheint Mark Gevissers faszinierendes Buch „Die pinke Linie. Weltweite Kämpfe um sexuelle Selbstbestimmung und Geschlechtsidentität“.

Gevisser, 1964 in Johannesburg geboren, gilt als einer der wichtigsten Autoren Südafrikas. Er publiziert in den Leitmedien seiner Heimat zu politischen und kulturellen Themen der Regenbogennation. Mit einem Stipendium der Open Society Foundation bereiste er über zwanzig Länder und schrieb Artikel über LSBTI und deren Kämpfe in aller Welt. „The Pink Line“ erschien letztes Jahr in den USA.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

LGBTI-inklusive Menschenrechtsarbeit im südlichen Afrika — das Masakhane Projekt

Web-Talk mit Aktivistinnen aus Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho und Südafrika im Rahmen der Gesprächsreihe. “Leave no one behind! Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und LGBTI-Perspektiven” am 23. September 2020. Masakhane ist das größte je vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) geförderte Projekt für lesbische Frauen und Transpersonen. 2014 vom LSVD und filia.die frauenstiftung initiiert wird es vom BMZ finanziert. Es wird in den Jahren 2018–2021 unter dem Titel „Menschenrechte im südlichen Afrika durch Stärkung von NGO-Aktivistinnen voranbringen – mit dem Fokus Frauenrechte und LGBTI-Rechte fortgeführt.

Gesprächsdokumentation des Web-Talks vom 23. September 2020

Botho Maruatona, Botswana / Südafrika, Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL), Community and Campaigns Officer
Tash Dowell, Zimbabwe, Feminist Action Collective
Neo Kabi, Lesotho, Masakhane-Collective
Moderation: Cornelia Sperling, Masakhane Projekt-Unterstützerin für LSVD e.V. und filia e.V.



Congratulations to the LEGABIBO organization

Landmark judgment on decriminalization in Botswana

Deutsche Fassung hier

Good news from Botswana – on 11 June 2019 the country’s High Court lifted the ban on homosexual practices! Activists at the courtroom in the capital city of Gabarone broke into cheers and waved rainbow flags.

This landmark judgment, which resonates well beyond the borders of Botswana, will hopefully serve as a model in Africa and other Commonwealth nations! Our congratulations to the lesbians, gay men and bisexuals of Botswana and especially to the LEGABIBO organization (Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals of Botswana), because it was instrumental in filing and successfully representing the case.

Criminalization violates the right to privacy

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen

The Long, Successful Fight to Decriminalise Same-Sex Relations in Botswana

Event with Caine Youngman, LEGABIBO in Berlin, July 18 2019 

Foto: Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung: Felix Reimer, Caine Youngman, Sarah KohrtThe GIZ Rainbow Network and Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation cordially invited to a talk and discussion with Caine Youngman, human rights activist from Botswana and advocacy manager for “Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals of Botswana” (LEGABIBO). In June 2019, the High Court of Botswana declared unconstitutional a colonial law criminalising consensual same-sex sexual relations.

The ruling came after years of legal action, advocacy and community-building by LEGABIBO, Botswana’s largest LGBTI organisation, and its allies.


Caine Youngman, Botswana human rights activist and LEGABIBO’s advocacy manager in conversation with Sarah Kohrt, Project lead LGBTI platform human rights at Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation.

A quick review of the event by Felix Reimer, GIZ Rainbow Network: 


Decriminalization: our guidelines for international support

Proposed by the Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation

Deutsche Fassung hier

The Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation was launched in 2007 as th­e human rights organization of the Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany (LSVD). It supports non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in countries of the global South and East by calling for donations and giving all funds collected to these NGOs.

Another key focus is to raise awareness of the situation of LGBTI people among policy makers and the public. Long-term contact with our partner NGOs is crucial for international work on human rights.

Decriminalization of homosexuality and trans identities is a major aim of the Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation’s efforts, as is the protection of intersex people against medical procedures without their consent.

In recent years people all over the world have become increasingly aware of serious human rights violations against LGBTI people. There are now numerous important multilateral state initiatives as well as a growing civil society movement worldwide.

The Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation is one of the few organizations in Germany that focuses exclusively on these issues. We are often asked what a united international approach to decriminalization and human rights for LGBTI people would look like, so we have compiled some basic guidelines here.