Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Anti-Gender in Africa: Role of Western Organizations

A New Scramble for Africa: Foreign Actors and Fake De-Colonization

(…)In all the events undermining the human rights, dignity, and access to healthcare of Africans described above, there is a foreign footprint, or rather, multiple foreign footprints. The most widely reported has been the footprint of the US Christian Right, specifically Sharon Slater of Family Watch International (FWI), who was famously in a bilateral meeting with Madame Kagame in March 2023, appearing to take over where Scott Lively had left off in providing external validation for a cruel piece of legislation targeting an already marginalized group (…)

Written by Neil Datta, executive director at the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights. The Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation would like to thank Neil Datta for the kind permission to publish this text.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Decolonize! But how? — Commitment for the Human Rights of LGBTIQ+ in Southern Africa — Invitation

Einladung zum Webtalk am 26. Nov 2024 von 17:30–19:00
English below

Florence F/Khaxas, Y‑FEM Namibia
Matlhogonolo Samsam, Black Queer DocX Botswana

Beim Einsatz für die Menschenrechte von LSBTIQ* wird oft der Vorwurf des Neokolonialismus erhoben, obwohl gerade die homophoben Gesetze eine Auswirkung der Kolonialzeit sind. In Namibia kippte der High Court erst im Juni 2024 das Verbot von gleichgeschlechtlichen Handlungen, das seit der Kolonialzeit bestand. Welche Chancen gibt es vor diesem Hintergrund für transkontinentale solidarische Allianzen?

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Decolonize Foreign Policy Keynote by Stella Nyanzi at the Conference “Cultures and Colonialism”


I am grateful to Sarah Kohrt of the Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung for the opportunity to share my thoughts on why it is important to decolonize foreign policy. In the current global context of long-term wars which necessitated major shifts in funding priorities being redirected to defence, security and militarisation, discussions of foreign policy mainly focus on human security, fuel energy and trade. In this regard, contemporary foreign policy engagements are organised and held with specific focus on powerful partners of the United States of America, Russia and China respectively.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

The Pacific Islands and the Fight for Decolonization of LGBTIQ+ Rights


Video message (YT) by Ymania Brown, at the Conference “Cultures and Colonialism”, 24 Oct 2024

Talofa lava, kia orana, bula vinaka, and warm Pacific greetings to you all. It is my profound honor to stand before you today, in a foreign country doing the work I do to help decolonise minds and hearts and laws – when in my own country of Samoa—our cherished heart of the Pacific—there is a historic gathering of CHOGM happening right now. The Commonwealth. The heart of Victorian Era laws that criminalise who we love and who we start a family with, laws we are all trying to reverse.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

Postcolonial and decolonial strategies in human rights work — Welcome address by Axel Hochrein


Konferenz Kulturen und Kolonialismus Axel Hochrein, Copyright: Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung

24 October 2024, Berlin, Refugio, Axel Hochrein, Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation Board

A warm welcome to everyone at the conference “Cultures and Colonialism – Decoloniality and LGBTIQ+ Human Rights”. Thank you for coming, and we are very happy to see the great level of interest. It is an honour for me to open this event, which is part of our “Cultures and Colonialism” project this year. The project was made possible by a year of funding from the Federal Ministry of Justice in response to a resolution by the German Parliament, for which we extend heartfelt thanks.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Verband

The power is still not with us – legal structures of colonial laws and contemporary flaws between the UK and the Caribbean

How a peculiarity of the UK legal system contributes to the discrimination of LGBTIQ+ people in the Caribbean today

The author argues that UK judges have systematically stopped Caribbean independent nations from dismantling the oppressive colonial system.   This short piece shows a structural peculiarity of the British legal system that enables the continuation of colonial attitudes in today’s legal system and reveals structural racism that persists to this day. 

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen Verband

INVITE: Conference “Cultures and Colonialism ‒ Decoloniality and LGBTIQ+ Human Rights” at Refugio Berlin

24 October 2024, 2–6 pm


Flyer Konferenz Kuturen und Kolonialismus, Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung

The Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation cordially invites you to the conference “Cultures and Colonialism ‒ Decoloniality and LGBTIQ+ Human Rights”. Topics: the impact of European colonization on queer lifestyles and gender, and practical opportunities for postcolonial project work.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Veranstaltungen

We will keep on fighting, no matter how hard it gets — Africa’s LGBTIQ+ folk fight colonial-era queerphobia with social media

File: Zimbabwe location map.svg by NordNordWest

Golden Moyo* is a lay preacher in rural Zimbabwe. In 2018, after decades of hiding his sexual orientation, Moyo came out to his family and friends and his parish as gay.

Attitudes to sexual and gender minorities in Zimbabwe are highly conservative. Those found guilty of consensual same-sex sexual activity could face up to one year’s imprisonment and a fine. The southern African country’s anti-homosexuality law was first introduced by the British during its colonisation of Zimbabwe.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte

The Anti-Colonial Imperative: Supporting the struggles of LGBTQIA+ people in Africa

The LGBTQIA+ community in Africa faces significant challenges and systemic discrimination, rooted in historical colonial legacies and reinforced by cultural norms and religious beliefs. In seeking foreign aid to safeguard our rights, the LGBTQIA+ community isn’t surrendering to neocolonialism but rather engaging in an anti-colonial struggle for justice and equality.

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Projekte Verband

Call for contributions to the Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation’s “Cultures and Colonialism” project

2024 Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung Project: Cultures and Colonialism


From the Filipino Indigenous community’s babaylan spiritual protectors, who interact with or are a blend of feminine and masculine spirits, to ogbanje individuals in Nigeria, diversity in sexual orientations and gender identities has existed everywhere throughout recorded history.”*