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Marnell, J. (2021). Seeking Sanctuary. Stories of Sexuality, Faith and Migration. Wits University Press.
In „Seeking Sanctuary“ werden 14 gläubige LSBTI* porträtiert, die als Asylsuchende, Geflüchtete oder Migrant*innen in Johannesburg leben. In intimen Erzählungen berichten sie von queerfeindlicher Diskriminierung im Zusammenhang mit Migrations- und Fluchterfahrungen. Sie stellen dar, wie sie ihren Glauben mit ihrer Geschlechtsidentität und sexuellen Orientierung vereinbaren. Die Erzählenden stammen aus Äthiopien, Kamerun, Lesotho, Nigeria, Sambia, Simbabwe, Südafrika sowie Uganda. Das sehr empfehlenswerte Vorwort verfasste der Autor, Pastor und Menschenrechtsaktivist Rev. Canon Dr. Kapya Kaoma.
„Seeking Sanctuary” portrays the lives of 14 LGBTQI* individuals of faith, residing in Johannesburg as asylum seekers, refugees, or migrants. Through intimate narratives, they recount experiences of queerphobic discrimination intertwined with migration and refugee experiences. Furthermore, they provide insights into how they navigate the intersection of faith with their gender identity and sexual orientation. Originating from Ethiopia, Cameroon, Lesotho, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Uganda, these storytellers contribute diverse perspectives. The highly recommended foreword is written by the author, pastor, and human rights activist Rev. Canon Dr. Kapya Kaoma.
Kaoma, K. (2018). Christianity, globalization, and protective homophobia: Democratic contestation of sexuality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Palgrave Macmillan.
Welchen Einfluss nehmen Globalisierung und fundamentalistische Auslegungen des Christentums auf die Sexualpolitik in Subsahara-Afrika? Kapya Kaoma, ein Theologe aus Sambia veranschaulicht, wie sich das Narrativ etablierte, Homosexualität sei „wider die afrikanische Kultur“ bzw. „wider den christlichen Glauben“. Mit einem interdisziplinären Ansatz analysiert Kaoma politisch und religiös motivierte Homophobie in Subsahara-Afrika.
What are the effects of globalization and fundamentalist interpretations of Christianity on sexual politics in Sub-Saharan Africa? Kapya Kaoma a theologian from Sambia delves into the establishment of the narrative that portrays homosexuality as contradictory to African culture and Christian faith. With an interdisciplinary approach, Kaoma analyzes the presence of politically and religiously motivated homophobia in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Kaoma K. (2012). Colonizing African Values – How the U.S. Christian Right Is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa.
Kaoma, K. (2009). Globalizing the Culture Wars: U.S. Conservatives, African Churches, and Homophobia.
Lammers, N., & Diefenbach, S. (2023). Queer in Church. Wie ich mir eine divers-bejahende Kirche wünsche. Echter Verlag.
Nobert Lammers und Stefan Diefenbach entwickeln in diesem Buch ihre Vision von einer queer-sensiblen Kirche inspiriert durch die franziskanische Spiritualität. Kann die katholische Kirche trotz heftig geführter Auseinandersetzungen eine Heimat für Menschen vielfältiger sexueller Identitäten sein?
In this book, Norbert Lammers and Stefan Diefenbach develop their vision of a queer-sensitive church inspired by Franciscan spirituality. Can the Catholic Church, despite heated debates, become a home for people with diverse sexual identities?
Söderblom, K., Franke-Coulbeaut, M., Czerniak, M., & Wong, P. (Eds.). (2022). Versöhnung von den Rändern her. Persönliche Geschichten von queeren Gläubigen. Rainbow Pilgrims of Faith.
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Der Sammelband bietet nicht nur eine Einführung in die queere Theologie, sondern umfasst auch persönliche Glaubensgeschichten von 28 LGBTIQ Personen aus aller Welt. Die Autor:innen, die unterschiedlichen christlichen Konfessionen angehören, berichten in intimen Lebenszeugnissen von der Rolle ihres Glaubens in Hinblick auf ihre sexuelle Orientierung bzw. ihrer Geschlechtsidentität.
The short book does not only provide an introduction to queer theology but also includes personal faith stories from 28 LGBTQ+ individuals from around the world. The authors, belonging to various Christian denominations, share intimate life testimonies that reflect on the role of their faith in relation to their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Van Klinken, A. (2019). Kenyan, Christian, Queer: Religion, LGBT Activism, and Arts of Resistance in Africa. The Pennsylvania State University Press.
Das Buch geht der Frage nach, inwieweit Religion trotz christlich motivierter Homo- und Transphobie als Plattform für LGBTIQ-Aktivismus dienen kann. Anhand von vier Fallstudien zu aktivistischer Kunst demonstriert Adriaan Van Klinken, wie kulturelle Traditionen umgedacht werden können, um queere, kenianische und christliche Identitäten zu vereinen.
While acknowledging the role of Christianity in perpetuating discrimination against the LGBTIQ community, the book highlights the emergence of religion as a significant site of LGBTIQ activism. Through four case studies that explore artistic expressions of activism, Adriaan Van Klinken demonstrates how cultural traditions can be reimagined to foster a harmonious coexistence of queer, Kenyan, and Christian identities.
Van Klinken, A., Stiebert, J., Brian, S., & Hudson, F. (Eds.) (2021). Sacred Queer Stories: Ugandan LGBTQ+ Refugee Lives & the Bible. James Currey.
Der Sammelband entstand unter der Mitwirkung von LGBTIQ Geflüchteten aus Uganda sowie von in Großbritannien ansässigen Wissenschaftler:innen. In persönlichen Erzählungen halten die Autor:innen Parallelen zwischen dem selbst Erlebtem und biblischen Geschichten des Kampfes und der Hoffnung fest.
Das Buch wurde im Rahmen des Projekts „Sacred Queer Stories“ von der University of Leeds und dem Nature Network, einer Plattform für LGBTIQ Geflüchtete in Nairobi, veröffentlicht. Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.
The book was developed in cooperation with LGBTIQ refugees from Uganda and scholars residing in the United Kingdom. Through personal accounts, the authors capture the intersections between their life stories and biblical narratives of struggle and hope. The book was published as part of the “Sacred Queer Stories” project by the University of Leeds and the Nature Network, a platform for LGBTIQ refugees in Nairobi. Please find further information here.
Wilcox, M. M. (2021). Queer religiosities: An introduction to queer and transgender studies in religion. Rowman & Littlefield.
In “Queer Religiosities” gibt Melissa M. Wilcox einen umfassenden Überblick über queere und Transgender Studien in Religionswissenschaften. Hierfür wendet sie einen vergleichenden Ansatz an, der unterschiedliche Aspekte, von Identitätsfragen bis hin zu Machtpolitik, in verschiedenen kulturellen Kontexten untersucht.
In “Queer Religiosities,” Melissa M. Wilcox provides a comprehensive overview of queer and transgender studies in religion. Using a comparative approach, she examines various aspects, from questions of identity to power politics, in different cultural contexts.
Behold, I make all things new: What do the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam really say in regard to human sexuality? Global Interfaith Network, authored by Rabbi Dr Jay Michaelson Ph.D, Rev’d Rowland ‘Jide’ Macaulay M.Th, Imam Dr Ludovic-Muhamed Zahed Ph.D, Professor Emerita Dr Riffat Hassan Ph.D, Rev’d Loraine Tulleken B.Th (Hons) (Editor), Rev’d JP Mokgethi-Heath B.Th (Hons) (Editor)
Behold, I make all things new is an exciting window on how modern Judaic, Christian and Muslim theologians are unpacking the scripture verses most often used to condemn homosexuality. Born out of a historic panel discussion on human sexuality at the Church of Sweden’s 2015 Festival of Theology, the book is meant for theologians, academics, LGBTIQ people, their families and friends. Our prayer is that it brings the world at large to a better understanding of our gracious God of Love.
“Faith cannot be separated from our sexuality and there are no aliens in the household of God. Working on an interfaith basis allows us to examine more deeply the things that bind us together in our One God. I strongly recommend this book which explores these issues and brings a deeper understanding of who we are in the God who first created us.” ‑Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane
Blogbeiträge und Online-Ressourcen
Global Online Forum on LGBT* and Faith by the Salzburg Global Seminar in 2020. This report summarizes the results of various public discussions and online gatherings hosted by the Salzburg Global LGBT* Forum. Including voices from activists and fellows from 17 different countries, it discusses Issues of religion, cultural history as well as LGBT* inclusion.
Video Gallery: Fearless Allies – Why am I an ally ? The Global Interfaith Network GIN-SSOGIE portrays prominent religious leaders from the Global South who have succeeded in fostering inclusion and dignity for LGBTQ people within their faith communities.
Moreover, the toolkit “Fearless allies” can be downloaded here.
Die Kirchen müssen Teil der Lösung werden, bislang sind sie Teil des Problems, Eingangsstatement von Sarah Kohrt, LGBTIQ*-Plattform Menschenrechte der Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung beim Evangelischen Kirchentag 2019.
GPP report 2018 Religious Conservatism on the global stage: threats and challenges for LGBIT rights. This report gives insight to the alarming rise of religious conservatism and the threat it entails for feminist and LGBTIQ* communities all over the world.
The Bible and Homosexuality — A Toolkit by Inclusive and Affirming Ministries. The second edition of the 2008 publication is an active tool, providing an accompanying process for LGBTIQ+ people, activists, faith communities and their leaders. It includes exercises to assist readers in reflecting on bible interpretation.
Restoring the Natural Order. The religious extremists’ vision to mobilize European societies against human rights on sexuality and reproduction. European Parliament Forum on Population & Development. The report provides an overview of the strategy and main aims of the extremist movement “Agenda Europe” that advocates for rolling back human rights for sexual and reproductive health. Moreover, the paper gives advice to human rights defenders on how to respond to this agenda.
Alle Publikationen und Veranstaltungen des Projekts “We believe in change” finden Sie auf der Projektwebseite. Alle Blogbeiträge zum Projekt finden sich unter dem Tag WBIC-2023.
You can find all publications and events from the “We Believe in change” project on its website of the Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation. All blog posts for the project can be found under the tag WBIC-2023 (some content in English).